How I Self-Host

What I use

I'm probably tech-savvy in that I know my way around a comptuer via the graphical itnerfaces but I cannot code to save myself, I managed a hello world a few decades ago and that's been it ever since. I use Yunohost via a virtual machine on an old laptop. This was the smoothest way for me to install the software without having to learn about stuff that fried my brain. I realise I could've installed Yunohost as the operating system itself but hey-ho, when the laptop finally stops working I'll upgrade the machine to a MiniPC.

Vital VM stats

I can't recall why they have those stats, except that the laptop has 4 cores, a lot more storage and 8 GiB of RAM. So there's some scope for increasing resources if required but broadly, I don't need much more except for storage for backups.

For storing backups on Yunohost I discovered there's a great way to shrink the backup process and it's by using BACKUP_CORE_ONLY which, unfortunately, is only available in the command line and not the graphical interface.

Programs installed

I have several programs installed and only one of which is to automate anything. I'll link to the yunohost catalogue for all of the apps, as their websites are on the page there.

Added stuff

Reticently, I use Cloudflare for some DNS and bot-stopping stuff. I am looking to use someone else, perhaps Bunny Net, to get more of my digital footprint within Europe. Why? Probably for fidgeting reasons. I'm aware they're not good for open web, in a way, so it'll be good to get them hoofed.

That's probably everything related to the self-hosting, except the why

The Why

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